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Create Your Own
AI Avatar for FREE

Create up to 12 high-quality
AI avatar photos for FREE!

Get 4 different styles of avatars with 1 photo!
Participate up to 3 times per account for 12 AI photos max.

FREE for a Limited Time

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A charm you want to share 💜
Choose a frame to make your AI Avatar photos even more special!

Please Read!

You can participate in ZEPETO's AI Avatar Event 3 times during the event period and create a total of 12 AI avatars.
Once an AI avatar is created, it cannot be canceled, so please choose your photo carefully.
User-supplied photos will be deleted from the server immediately after the avatar is created.
AI avatars stored on the server will be deleted after the event ends.
The schedule is subject to change due to internal circumstances.
If you participate in the event in a fraudulent manner, your account may be restricted.
You are not allowed to upload photos/videos that violate community guidelines.
This event is not affiliated with the App Store or Google Play Store.

AI Avatars are only
available in ZEPETO App

Use the QR code to start ZEPETO.